Harmen Wind

Myn ierde

Dit is myn ierde: flak as wetter, hjir
en dêr in pûst – faai flechtplak foar de floed –
In neare oarde, stjerlingen te steech;
skerprjochter sûnder eigen manneboet.

Beklonken klaai. De fuotfaach fan ‘e himel,
ûntfytmaan oan see, delbêde op sân.
Utstrutsen, keal, wiid iepen as in fâle;
ôfseame flakte yn ‘e skrale wyn. Ald lân.

Dat hjir. Dit dêr. In wrâld mei rûnom kime.
Wat stripen grien, wat rûchte mids it wiet.
Myn boaiem sil him nea oan bloed besibje;
myn gea jout romte oan wat komt en giet.


My earth

This is my earth, close as water, here
and there a mound – a refuge from the flood-
Too barren, too cruel for mortals;
an executioner who does no penance

Moulded clay. The footpath from heaven,
cheated from the sea and placed on the sand,
spread out, barren and wide open as a trap,
roughed up flat in the chapped wind. Old land

Here and there. A world surrounded by horizon.
With streaks of green, scrub land in the water.
My ground shall never be bound by blood,
my place gives space for what comes and goes.


Translation: Albertina Soepboer & Sue Smeding


Extra voorstelling op woensdag 5 juli. 

6, 7 en 8 juli zijn uitverkocht.

Vol = vol!