Albertina Soepboer

de wei nei de Westhoeke ta

it ljocht tikkeboartet oer de langste dagen
in frou rint de dyk del mei har boadskiptas
in kikkert yn ’e sleat, jerappels op it lân
lange stappen de delte yn en al dy leechte

lit my it ûnderskiede, myn eagen knipperje
simmer, heech, ik nim in kleed mei, ik fyn
de touter, en yn in eachwink is iensumens
wei, en ik twifelje net dat it paad iepenet ta

de rook fan sop mei wat prei en jerappel
en wa’t dit libben sa net daaie kin, dy mei
bêst genôch, oansitte mei in leppel, mar sis
net dat it dy te rjocht is, dat it dy te krap sit

want oan ien tried wei draaft it op my ta
de slachskaden op it wide lân, longerjend
de sinne op it westen oan, read fan it wêzen
de siken fan ’e minske is op kommenswei


the road to Westhoeke

the light plays games with the longest day
a woman walks along the road with her shopping bag
a frog in the ditch, potatoes on the land
long steps going down to the emptiness

let me distinguish, I blink my eyes
high summer, I take a blanket with me, I find
a swing, and in the blink of an eye the loneliness is gone
and I doubt no more then the path opens towards

the aroma of the soup with leek and potato
and those who cannot take it
feel free, sit down with a spoon
but don’t complain that it’s too basic

then in one two three it flows over me
casting shadows over the broad countryside
the sun craving for the west, red to its core
the breath of a being emerges

Translation: Albertina Soepboer & Sue Smeding




Extra voorstelling op woensdag 5 juli. 

6, 7 en 8 juli zijn uitverkocht.

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