Arjen Hut


“der komt muzyk yn de ierdappels”
(fryske siswize)

hoekstra, westra, wielinga
watfoar ierappels moatte jim ha?

lady anne?
lady cristl?
lady blanca?

mei in dikke tút haha

foar bellefleur! annabelle …
picobello! michelle …

sis …

sprekt men dy nammen oer de grinzen lûder út?
hoe faak moat men lûd op staverje
foar in oar?

(amora, bildtstar of amore)

wat klinkt it út in oar syn mûle oars
as oer jins eigen lippen, tosken, tonge:

boksta … blanca … barcelona

mozart … obama … maradonna

irene … janine … isabelia of


wa falt nei it sieden
it hurdst yn krumen

o ingrid? o vingo? o valetta?

dochs net ús salsa, saline en ikone?
ús solara, shakira of simone?

okapi! orchestra! omega!

komt de namme út in boekje of
yn de famylje faker foar

nee ju, do texla! rode pipo, do, pandora!

(tempore, tempore …)

bis, bintje, bis

hasto de namme dy’t dy eigen is
of wie it lok op it spoar fan dyn motyf

ingrid, roxy, satellite

is der net in wâld dat hast itselde hyt
fol ploffers, rûzers, trijelûden
(wat in lawaai!)

memphis ai,
maradonna, messi, massai?

nee, net mei de trein, kin net
nei valetta
dus fleane mar, of mei de boat?

och, mei de boat ja, nei bordeaux
och, op it skip nei marrakech
och, op de wyn oars, nei canberra


nei valetta!

mei de trein

nei valetta mei lucilla
nei valetta mei aurora
nei valetta, bossa nova

ja, mei dy en dy en dy, rode pipo en pandora …

(tempore, tempore)

hoekstra, westra, wielinga
nei valetta, o aurora …

(amore, amora)



“there’s music growing in the potatoes”
(Frisian saying)

hoekstra, westra, wielinga
tell me
which type of potato do you prefer?

lady anne?
lady cristl?
lady blanca?

with a big fat kiss haha

for bellefleur! annabelle …
picobello! michelle …

say …

are these names pronounced louder across the border
how often must you spell them out, out loud
for someone else?

(amora, bildtstar or amore)

how different the sounds roll from someone else’s mouth
than from your own lips, teeth, tongue … ah

boksta … blanca … barcelona

mozart … obama … maradonna

irene … janine … isabelia or


who will be the first – sown on a drill
to hit your plate
and cru m b l e

oh ingrid? oh vingo? oh valetta?

could it be our darling salsa, saline and ikone?
our beloved solara, shakira or simone?

okapi! orchestra! omega!

do your names come from a book or
do they run in the family

o no, you texla! rode pipo, you, pandora!

(tempore, tempore …)

we want more, spuds, encore!

how was your name engineered
was it luck on the track of your motif

ingrid, roxy, satellite

isn’t there a forest which almost sounds the same
full of plosives, fricatives, triphthongs
(such a pandemonium!)

memphis aye,
maradonna, messi, massai?

no, not by train, there ’s no train
to valetta
so we fly, or take the boat?

oh, by boat, please, to bordeaux
oh, on a ship to marrakech
oh, on the breeze, if only, to canberra


to valetta!

by train

to valetta with lucilla
to valetta with aurora
to valetta, bossa nova

yes, with you and you and you, rode pipo and pandora …

(tempore, tempore)

hoekstra, westra, wielinga
to valetta, oh aurora …

(amore, amora)

Translation: Arjan Hut




Extra voorstelling op woensdag 5 juli. 

6, 7 en 8 juli zijn uitverkocht.

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