2008 was called the United Nations International Year of the Potato

The province of Fryslân, of which ‘het Bildt’ is one of the counties, is the hard-land of the Dutch seed-potato production. The potatoes are exported to very many countries all over the world, feeding many people with a high nutritional value using only a small amount of fresh water. On ‘het Bildt’ de Year of the Potato has been celebrated with a lot of activities in the period. The close cooperation between farmer´s en artists to develop and execute all ideas grew out into a successful project. Goal was to inform the consumer about where his food is coming from, but also colleagues and businesses about how the modern agricultural farms are run.

With a presentation of different aspects of farming in combination with art, the consumers learned to know the farming-world.
Activities were:

    • 8 exhibitions of which there were 8 art exhibitions of Dutch artists exhibiting art potato related
    • 1 historical view of the road of the potato from Peru to the modern potato-seed farms and the export from there all over the world.
    • Symposium around the theme “The importance of the potato to worldwide food and economy”.
    • Meet and greet with farmers: consumers visiting producers and lunching together.
    • Performance of music, poetry, songs and a ballet with 30 farm-equipment and harvesting machines on a field of 5 hectares between two dikes explaining the spectators about the potato as a basic for life in the struggle between the elements of soil, water and fire.
    • Film-festival with films related to the theme.
    • And several other activities.



Fan Grônd tot Mônd
Sware Grônd
Dossier Sware Grônd
Bildtse Aardappelweken groot succes
Akkerbouwbedrijven als galerie
Eten bij de boer
Kunst en aardappelen? Dat gaat best
Ballet voor landbouwmachines
Sware Grônd op Bildts aardappelland




Extra voorstelling op woensdag 5 juli. 

6, 7 en 8 juli zijn uitverkocht.

Vol = vol!